- Greetings from Janseva CCSL! Dear Member, Investing & Borrowing in Janseva with Sharia-compliant principles to reap greater benefits in both this world and the Hereafter.
To establish branches of Janseva Cooperative Credit Society at all possible places in the operational area of the society
Financial inclusion of excluded sections of our society by using interest-free financial mechanism for the achievement of the National Mission of inclusive growth.
Very transparent, Appealing to customers, Legitimate, Utility for mutual benefits, Excellent hospitality, Simple and sensible.
Service Support Scheme
Society will establish Janseva Service / Support Centres (JSC) to provide information / support with respect to government schemes support for the needy. Towards the achievement of its objective and welfare of the members, JSC will provide fee based information, various kinds of services and supply domestic goods to its members. Following Work will be done by this
- Guidance about Govt. Schemes
- Supply of Goods and Services
- Locker facility and Trustee services
- Receive and make payments
- Other Services
- Debt Based
- Equity Based
- Asset Based
Debt Based Participatory Business Investment (PBI)
Deposits received for this investment may be invested based on PLS system (Musharka) in businesses specially society’s Service and Support Schemes. General Investment (GI)
Deposits received for this investment without any pre condition will be used in any venture which ensures reasonably good return and generates employment and self employment avenues for the members of the family. SPV Investment (SPVI)

Society has its objective to provide best financial services to the society members.
- Shares and deposit mobilization
- Honouring withdrawals
- Loans and financing
Shares and deposit mobilization
Society has decided to mobilise fund through share capital and various types of Deposits. If anyone wants to join society he/she should become the member of the Society. There are two categories of member’s namely ordinary member and associate memb
Eligibility for Membership
Any citizen of India, subscribing to the objectives, policy and programs of the society and competent to contract under Indian Contract Act 1872(9) having residence or occupation in operational areas of the society
We Offered

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Need of the Hour!
The supreme need in every hour of difficulty and distress certainly calls for fresh vision of sustainability.
Truly the entire humankind is looking for an alternative system in all areas to sustain its existence as the present system have been defeated by the nature and its supremacy.
After the First World War, communist system conquered the capitalist system. Now the world is heading towards the system given by our creator.
While we are addressing about alternatives, alternative fuel, alternative education, alternative lifestyle, and the like. We also need to focalize our contemplations towards alternative economic solutions especially in the field of banking in which Janseva has the participatory solution for solving the financial problems of the humanity which is based on ethical values and justice.
Janseva operates with zero interest.
When we talk about zero interest, we also talk about human well being which would eventually create a non-toxic economic environment.
Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone’s life, but why not be the moon, to brighten in the darkest hour?
Economic reformations by lifting up the downtrodden people and rising their financial status is the need of the hour and let our Janseva be the torchbearer of the participatory economic system in our country.
Director PR
Janseva Cooperative Society
Mr. Ibnu Soud
Janseva has been promoted by group of people drawn from different states of India. However it owes its existence to the decisions of Board of Trustees of All India Council of Muslim Economic Upliftment Mumbai (AICMEU) and Community Coordination Initiative (CCI).
Janseva Cooperative Credit Society Ltd, 7/25 A 2nd Floor Grant building Arthur Bunder Road,
Near Radio Club , Colaba Mumbai 400005
Tel. - 022 22818178
Email - janseva@janseva.in